How to create a grid with flexbox in React

Serhii Shramko /
3 min read • --- views

Often in the life of a web developer, you need to make a grid, but the limitations of the browser (Internet Explorer 😭) do not allow you to use, for example, CSS Grid.
This is where CSS Flexbox comes to the rescue. He is our friend, brother and helper. 🫡
This post is about how to create a flexbox-based grid component in React. The component should be reusable and painless to configure.
If you have problems coming up with class names, I have a selection of common class names on my blog
Many of those who created components in React are familiar with the classnames library, but I want to recommend you the clsx library, which is smaller and similar in functionality.
It is not necessary for our component, but it is more comfortable with them:
npm i clsx
Step 1: Create React component architecture
const Grid = ({ children }) => (
<div className='grid'>
const GridColumn = ({ children }) => (
<div className='grid__col'>
const GridRow = ({ children }) => (
<div className='grid__row'>
Step 2: Create styles with SCSS
I use the BEM methodology for styles, as I think it is excellent for component libraries.
// Base styles
.grid {
width: 100%;
&__row {
display: flex;
flex-wrap: wrap;
&__col {
flex-grow: 1;
flex-shrink: 0;
// For decoration only
background-color: #bbeffd;
border: 1px solid #61dafb;
padding: 15px;
text-align: center;
margin-bottom: 25px;
What about columns logic?
.grid__row--col-3 > .grid__col {
width: 33%;
.grid__row--col-2 > .grid__col {
width: 50%;
It is so ugly. Why we need to do it manually?
Let's try some Sass magic 🪄?
$columnsNumberToWidth: (
2: 50%,
3: 33%,
4: 25%,
5: 20%,
6: 16.6%,
@each $number, $width in $columnsNumberToWidth {
.grid__row--col-#{$number} > .grid__col {
width: $width;
You can see how SASS code is transformed into CSS here:

Step 3: Add logic to the GridRow component.
import clsx from 'clsx';
const GridRow = (pops) => {
const {
} = props;
const rootClasses = clsx('grid__row', {
[`grid__row--col-${columns}`]: columns,
return (
<div className={rootClasses}>
Let's check result
<GridRow columns={6}>
<GridColumn>1 of 6</GridColumn>
<GridColumn>2 of 6</GridColumn>
<GridColumn>3 of 6</GridColumn>
<GridRow columns={6}>
<GridColumn>1 of 6</GridColumn>
<GridColumn>2 of 6</GridColumn>
<GridColumn>3 of 6</GridColumn>
<GridColumn>4 of 6</GridColumn>
<GridColumn>5 of 6</GridColumn>
<GridColumn>6 of 6</GridColumn>
{/* ... */}

Writing components has an endless process ♾.
Next, you can add a dynamic size of each column, column gaps, change the component tag type, breakpoints and so on...
Therefore, below I share additional materials that may be useful:
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