Project Setup8 articles
Tips and techniques to set up your projects efficiently and streamline your development process.
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- JamStack
- Clean Code
- Project Setup
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- Useful Resources
- Node
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- Productivity
- Habits
Why Are JavaScript Naming Conventions Important?
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Master JavaScript naming conventions with this comprehensive guide. Learn best practices for naming variables, functions, classes, and more to write cleaner, more maintainable code.
Conventional Commits
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Discover how Conventional Commits can enhance your work and project's readability.
How to decrease deployment time by 44% with pnpm
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Learn how to efficiently migrate your project from npm to pnpm with this guide.
How to add SSH keys to your GitHub account
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Learn how to add SSH keys to your GitHub account. Boost your account's security and ease your workflow by securely connecting your local machine to your GitHub repositories.
Cross-browser testing
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Cross-browser testing and how to test your site with Browserstack
Postgres connect to database with URL
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How to connect postgres database with URL
Introducing the new
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How I built a modern portfolio and a list of technologies used to create it.
How to use ESLint with TypeScript
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In this post, we'll walk through how to set up linting in your TS project.