JS13 articles

Explore a variety of JavaScript tips and tutorials to enhance your coding skills.


Semantic Versioning in npm

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A friendly, practical guide to SemVer in npm. Learn versioning rules, avoid dependency chaos, and manage updates with confidence.

Why Are JavaScript Naming Conventions Important?

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Master JavaScript naming conventions with this comprehensive guide. Learn best practices for naming variables, functions, classes, and more to write cleaner, more maintainable code.

Conventional Commits

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Discover how Conventional Commits can enhance your work and project's readability.

How to decrease deployment time by 44% with pnpm

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Learn how to efficiently migrate your project from npm to pnpm with this guide.

What is Astro Framework?

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Astro is a new Javascript framework, so discover what makes it special and what are its core features.

Node Version Manager

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NVM, or Node Version Manager. What is it and why we should use it?

Postgres connect to database with URL

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How to connect postgres database with URL

JavaScript 101: Arrays

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Guide to javascript array methods

Difference between absolute and relative URL in HTML

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Everything you need to know about link addresses. Absolute link vs relative

Dispatch table in javascript

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Polymorphism and Dispatch Tables in JS

for...in vs for...of Loops

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What is the difference between "for...in" and "for...of"

Expressions vs Statements

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Understand the important distinction expressions vs statements in JavaScript

How to fix "__dirname is not defined in ES module scope"

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Here is how to fix the "__dirname is not defined in ES module scope" error